Monday, November 4, 2013

Thoughts: Running Man 170

I probably haven't blogged about my favorite shows that often but I find Running Man extremely entertaining to watch even though it just went thru it's 170th episode.  Guests were TOP (Bigbang), Kim Yoo-Jung, and Yoon Je-Moon.  An enjoyable watch this week as Ji Suk-Jin became the main star but didn't become the winner.  Je-Moon was really funny since he did play serious roles as an actor and his smile and laugh made me smirk while watching.  I don't want to give out too much spoilers as readers might not have watched it already.

All I can say is, Running Man!  Hwaiting!  I hope you last long since the entire main cast gives me my weekly abs and jaw exercises (laughing hard at most scenes/episodes).  I do hope they come to the Philippines although I may be going to other countries to see fan meets or something of the likes.  Special mention to Kang Gary, I like your style bro!  I guess he got the confidence and looks that keeps the Monday Couple strong.

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