Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thoughts: PRE Running Man 173

From the preview I saw on Running Man 173, it looks like we are getting another taste of Running Man Baseball with Superpowers!  And we also get a new set of guests, not sure if they're baseball players as well or actors but new guests are good to see now and then to spice up the show.

There isn't much detail about the next episode but we can probably enjoy the recent one (RM 172) and hope that 173 will bring another set of laughter to our doorstep.

From what I saw, there was a superpower that brings the outer walls closer for easier homeruns, a baseball throw that lights up into fire and disappears, and acupuncture mats from one base to another (funny how they tried to run across and immediately give up with a face of pain.  Not that I like seeing others having pain but it's all good for the variety type humor.  Also saw a big baseball and other stuff that I might have missed.  If you like Running Man, we can all say together til this episode shows.  1...2...3 Hwaiting!

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