Monday, November 18, 2013

Gaming: X-Com: Enemy Within

I'm a huge fan of X-Com and the first X-Com I played was X-Com Apocalypse.  It brought gaming to another level to my gaming experience at that time and let me tell you, once you played it, you want them to make more and better ones.  But there were some years that went by and the next X-Com games were just not that good.  Until X-Com Enemy Unknown came out and I had a blast again.  Nostalgia.

X-Com Enemy Within is a DLC for Enemy Unknown, which adds more content and spice into the fray.  Personally, I think it was good for them to add defense mission where you need to defend your base against intruders that want to stop your operations of saving the planet from alien invasion.  A new group called EXALT has added a new depth into the game where they want the aliens to come to Earth and be their slaves.  Not sure how anyone would think that way but if aliens are coming to our planet with domination in mind, why would you want to help them?

A new type of resource is introduced called Meld, where you can use it to upgrade your soldiers into mechanical robots to boost your firepower (when I first heard how it was done, I had goosebumps all over my skin.  They literally had to remove a soldiers limbs and augment robotic parts to become stronger)

It may sound scary but I guess if it was for the best way to defend the planet, then why not!  I'd rather be the researcher in the lab than be a soldier that gets their limbs cut off or just be a regular soldier and rank up fast.  Here's a few shots to show how badass these new type of soldier is.

Also can do research to increase a soldier's survivability in battles with improved genetics.

And when you think you got the edge over the aliens, new aliens with their own upgrades can be seen and fight against.

Last but not the least, defense missions will occur randomly throughout your campaign against alien invasions.

Do you think you can save the planet or would you just let the aliens take over?  I got my secret weapon ready to blast these aliens out of our airspace and make those supporters hide from fear with this outfit!

With everything I've seen so far ranging from Let's Play's and Reviews on the internet, I guess I'll be waiting to get my hands on this game as soon as possible!  

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