Saturday, October 5, 2013

Warframe: Mag Prime Hunting / Survival Frustrations

Hey guys!  I guess the latest I have been doing is Warframe, hunting the recently added Prime, Mag Prime.  I really don't know if I'm just getting bad luck since I've got around a few mag prime parts but it's always the Helmet and the Chassis.  I've been doing several T3 Survival runs in the void, each around 10 mins.

I know people would just say it's RNG but I dunno, probably I shouldn't lose hope that fast because it does get frustrating when farming for those keys.  Frustrating in a point where I have to go do survival missions on my own or with a few trusted friends.

Imagine you doing a survival mission with the target time of 15 minutes.  Then someone joins around 4+ minutes who just goes to the extraction point immediately when Lotus announces that it is available.  While fighting those mobs, extraction cutscene appears and you leave the game with the loots but with no credits.  Not only that, I just wasted a few minutes of my time due to someone who can't handle the mob or just wants to leave the mission.  I don't blame them but I do hope they [Digital Extremes] make solutions regarding this.

But I don't intend to give up just yet.  I know this is part of the process where I need to keep on pushing forward and try to get that exclusive Mag Prime warframe before Ember Prime comes into the game.  By the way, I'm a huge ember fan.  I had her as my second frame, Loki being the first.  I must say I enjoy her World on Fire skill and her sexy appearance.

I guess that's it for today, might as well spend more time farming and keep you updated with my progress.  Hope others get Mag Prime as well, since I do see several players playing with it already.  Doesn't make me jealous though because someday, I'll be able to add her to my collection.  Till then, cheerio!

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