Sunday, October 13, 2013

Minecraft: Sudden Interest

Hi guys, I know that Minecraft is an old game but I recently found the time to play this game.  Unfortunately I am using someone else's minecraft to play (they don't play anymore but I'm planning on getting a copy for myself before November starts hopefully so that I could get my preferred IGN and play with others as well).

I find it amazing how a game with simple graphics can be so addictive.  I also watch other Youtubers play Minecraft and some of them already have seasons of their gameplay.  I wonder if I should join the bandwagon and do a series myself but I'm afraid that my current status won't allow me that.  I won't mention any particular Youtube channel here since I don't want to create a popularity chaos with the readers.

Anyways, when I started playing, I created a random world for myself.  And talk about being lucky.  I spawned in nearby villages.  Yes, villages.  Not one but two!  I asked my friend about it and he was shocked at where I landed and said that I should keep on playing and keep the villagers safe from a zombie attack.  So right now I'm going to share with you the seed for the world I'm playing at right now.  It's -6381953046361780768 (take note of the minus sign).

Here are the two villages that are nearby, hopefully I can make them join so that it'll be a city, or a fortress with lots of walls and stuff.

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