Thursday, November 27, 2008

Demise of Ragnarok Part III

One quick and final post for today about Demise of Morroc. When the servers went up, I quickly logged in and tried to do everything to see if there was a siege. I didn't exactly notice one particular bit at that time but after awhile, and browsing through lots of screenshots, it just crossed me.

Why would some of my screenshots have on it and the other half have It puzzled me really, but then I remembered it was the same thing that happened when Thor was migrated to Valhalla. As a Valhalla player, screenshots of "first steps/minutes in Valhalla" were somewhat essential. Over a course of time, screenshots do seem to tell a story behind why are they sometimes having emergency maintenances right after the weekly maintenance.

The story of Thor/Valhalla screenshots will be short. Valhalla screenshots were saved "screenThor001...screenThor002" and so on. Emergency maintenance came and after that, the screenshot names were changed to "screenValhalla001...screenValhalla002" and so on. My guess would be is they just renamed Thor to Valhalla and applied the new F2P settings as well as some kafra storage wipeout. So what's all of this got to do with Demise of Morroc? They probably, my theoretical guess, applied the settings and files from Sakray to the other servers and probably forgot to change the names and locations of where things should be.

An outline of what happened before the emergency maintenance and after.
1) I took a screenshot at around 2PM.
2) Emergency Maintenance took place at 3PM.
3) I took another screenshot at around 6PM.

Here's the 2 screenshots and notice the bottom-right corner of the images.

Photobucket Photobucket

This is solely my opinion and perspective on what I think happens to major patches and/or server migrations.

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