Saturday, September 11, 2010

Movie: Resident Evil: Afterlife

Resident Evil: Afterlife is the fourth movie of the series that just came out in theaters just recently.  The action-packed movie did most of the work in entertaining me and my expectations of a Resident Evil, unlike the previous one, Resident Evil: Extinction, where I kinda fell asleep after several action scenes.  Well more on my thoughts about the movie but be warned, it contains spoilers and I don't want to ruin it if you haven't seen the movie yet.

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The story starts in a middle of a busy Japanese walkway, kinda liked one of the pedestrians that had an umbrella that covered most of his upper body, the top part of the umbrella was see-thru.  Not really an important part of the plot but I just grinned when I saw that.  Anyways, back to the Japanese walkway.  A busy area, people walking in the rain, and then a girl was just standing there, getting drenched.  Kinda thought she would be one of Alice's accomplices but then again I was wrong.  She then assaults a man and then starts the zombie way of eating flesh.  Then after a flash forward of time, that walkway is now in ruins, zombies are roaming around and then a group of Japanese snipers are picking them off one by one until they get attacked by an unknown group.  I thought they were flying zombies but then I was wrong again.  

In that area, a secret laboratory of Umbrella Corp was hidden below.  A huge facility in which Alice and her clones attack and tries to disable the facility to prevent it from developing and testing on the T-Virus.  They succeeded and action-packed scenes are found here.  Alice armed with shurikens, swords, mini sub machine guns, and granades, they managed to defeat everyone until they died in a nuclear bomb of some sort devised by Wesker, the remaining leader of Umbrella Corp.  

However, the real Alice becomes human when she gets injected by a vaccine that neutralizes the T-Virus and we find her flying an airplane in search for other survivors.

She lands in an island where she finds alot of airplanes parked there.  "Arcadia" was the name of the place where a radio transmission was sent that offered food and shelter to survivors against the zombie infection.  However, Alice discovers and rescues an old friend who has amnesia due to a previous encounter.

Now Alice and Claire travel south on the 2-seater plane and arrive at a city where zombies have gathered and a group of survivors have taken refuge in a prison facility.  They make a crash landing on the roof and they start making plans on how to get to a ship on a nearby port called "Arcadia."

Not long after they get acquainted, zombies start appearing out of nowhere, and managed to kill a couple of the survivors.  I was quite jumpy whenever they appear and drag their victim out of sight.  The funniest thing I thought was there's a close resemblance to Silent Hill when a large zombie wielding a large axe was walking towards the prison facility.  Before they escaped the prison, Alice and Claire got to fight with this large monster and kill it.  You have to see the scene itself to enjoy it.

They managed to get out of the prison facility by means of the tunnels made by the zombies and made their way to Arcadia via a rubber boat.

You'd think the movie is now finished?  Guess again.  They find survivors stored inside containers and release them all.  Alice then tracks down a trail of blood and finds that Wesker is still alive.  Claire and her brother, Chris, starts fighting Wesker and Alice joins them after defeating two zombie dogs.  The battle looked more like a Matrix fight scene but then again, it's kinda cool to see technology being implemented into an appropriate scene.

Alice, Chris, and Claire finally defeats Wesker but he manages to escape via the emergency planes.  He tries to detonate another bomb, similar to the first one at the beginning of the movie, but he soon finds out that the bomb was placed inside the plane by Alice.  A nuclear explosion destroys the plane Wesker was in and at the end, Luther is still alive and killing two zombies at the end.  

I recommend this movie to anyone who like Resident Evil, zombie flicks, and those with the need to see action-packed movies.  I'd give this movie a rating of 9/10, but may be 10/10 only if they make a sequel to this. :)

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