Friday, July 23, 2010

Bagyong Basyang

It was almost 11pm when the news said that it would hit mainland Philippines.  We were ready for it but what can you do?  Expect the unexpected.

At 12 midnight, winds started to rattle the neighbor's roof.  We could hear the steel roofings clapping against each other.  Then the electricity went out.  I immediately turned on the emergency lights as well as get the radio out.  But alas, we couldn't use it since we didn't have any batteries for it.  Yes, we had alot of AA and AAA batteries in our emergency kits, but the radio required 4 DD batteries.  (I wondered if such batteries still exist).

I turned on my cellphone, plugged in the earphones, and tuned in to listen to the FM radio.  Funny DJ on the radio, cool music selections, dark environment, rattling roofs... what more can you ask for?  Well, you could add mosquitoes that appear out of nowhere but that was resolved through the use of Baygon.

Cool winds helped the weather since that morning, it was hot and humid.  We could sleep but none of us did since we were still on alert if our neighbor's roof would be torn to pieces by the loud screeching winds of Bagyong Basyang.

I fell asleep on the dining table and woke up at 8am.  The typhoon has started exiting the mainland and heading northwest.  We checked our roof and everything was still ok.  The neighbor's roof was still there but was dented outward so there's a small hole where rain could come in and do major damage to the electricity of their house.  They immediately had a carpenter fix their roof.

My parents went out to buy batteries for the radio so that in case of the next typhoon, they could be informed thru it from the news.  It was really a typical typhoon experience but what really bad about this one is that it disrupted major electricity supply throughout Luzon.  3 days was estimated for everything to be fixed.  I was somewhat dismayed by that news since there's no electricty, which means no internet, no computer, no PS2, no cellphone (batteries were running low so I had to turn it on when I needed to text someone).  Luckily, it just took 1 and a half days for the electricity to come back on but after that, I couldn't enjoy myself using the computer and internet since the house was scheduled for a total renovation.

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