Friday, July 23, 2010

Home Reconstruction

After Bagyong Basyang came the construction workers.  Yes, construction workers.  Not to repair our house but to clear out, remove everything, and build a new house on its place.  It was somewhat a sudden decision my parents made when they arrived from abroad.  Not sure what really triggered it but probably because they saw large cracks on the walls, rain leaking from the ceiling, and the water pipes somewhat getting rusty and sprouting leaks where water would gush out like a newly formed fountain.

So in one day, we transferred everything to a rented house nearby.  Good thing we found the place from a friend and it was somewhat like a blessing to begin the reconstruction of our home.  So after that, I was dead tired and found out that there were no internet connection.  I was somewhat having withdrawal symptoms where I would be restless, walking here and there, looking outside the windows, and then rolling left to right and vice versa on my bed.  My dad then tried out Smart Bro.  We found a signal but couldn't connect to the internet using it.  So I then took it to the nearest Smart Center and asked them to configure Smart Bro on our laptop.  3 agents were trying to configure it, almost taking them 1 hour before saying that they couldn't configure it.  So I went home dismayed.  I checked on our house and the garage was filled with cement, sand, and hollow blocks.  I smiled when I saw them whacking the walls with a sledge hammer.  I don't know why I smiled but I was happy that the house would be rebuilt and would look good after.  I hope.

My dad went out the next day, and checked out Globe.  He didn't like the cost of a Globe Tattoo plan and the bond of the contract, but good thing he checked out Sun.  I was somewhat skeptical at first since Sun was reported to be slow and sometimes no signal.  But I guess they proved me wrong.  My dad bought a Sun sim with a Sun Dongle (not sure if that's how you spell it) and tried it out on the laptop.  It was connecting but no internet.  We both were dismayed and then decided to just leave it on while we went out with the rest of my family to eat at McDonalds.

When we got back that night, I tried out the internet and then BOOM!  The browser loaded the Google page.   I went directly to facebook and it loaded.  I logged in and it loaded.  I jumped with joy and my dad sat down and opened up his email.  So much for my happy jump, I got to use the laptop after 4 hours. :)

The next day, my dad said that the internet was fast and there was some disconnection but it was rare so he decided to buy a wireless router from Sun.  Yippee!!  While he was gone, I enjoyed playing games on facebook and browse thru the net.  But one thing bothered me, I couldn't stream video!  Noooooo!  I couldn't watch anime!  Youtube!  or even asian drama!!  Hmmm,  I guess I could try downloading the episodes and watch it after.  I was happy when I saw how fast the download speed was.  I was enjoying watching anime before my dad arrived with the router.

After setting up the router, we set up every single laptop and devices in the house so that whenever someone would be using it, they could have internet access.  Internet, what would I do without you? hehehe

Right now, I'm in my room in the rented house, probably our home would be finished in October or earlier than that I hope.  I can't wait for my new room since it would be bigger than my previous one and it would be somewhat an entertainment room.  :D

Til then.  Cheerios

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