Thursday, September 24, 2009

Back from Hiatus

I have been too busy since April of this year that I've almost forgotten I've got a blog! Anyways, I've got myself pre-occupied with online games, especially Ragnarok Online, Facebook, Hello Kitty Online (which will soon be commercial in the Philippines!) and job hunting.

Even though I've gotten no luck in the past week from interviews due to me being overqualified for the job (heck why are they scared of overqualified people that can do the job and produce quality work! They should take that person and keep them for the betterment of the company! But what do they do? They get an underqualified person and then spend more money to train them. Sad.) But that's life and I guess there's a great job waiting for me that pays right with benefits and probably give me access to that high-class level of society. :)

On with my online gaming experience. Ragnarok Online Philippines had a two week EXP mod with big Hypermart sales. Too bad I didn't get the opportunity to level up my character to the maximum level but at least I had it transcend and now a level 84! I only had 4 days to do that! I'd like to thank my sponsor for providing the funds to supply and make leveling easier.

Before this EXP week extravaganza started, I led my guild, Prism Infinity, to the Wild Card Eliminations of RPC 2009. With the help of our allies, the Payon Alliance consisting of Fear Us, Guardians, Ancient Regime, Buon Giorno, Black Listed, we could not have been in the eliminations. I'd also like to thank a small group in New Chaos that voted for us too!

After the elimination match, (although we lost) we spent time with Fear Us in a small celebration for a great RPC season for the alliance. We aimed to have fun and that's what we did. I guess that's all for Ragnarok Online. More on the Facebook games now :D

Country Story, Happy Farm, Barn Buddy, Island Paradise, Mafia Wars, and Treasure Island are the games that keep me busy when I wake up, have lunch, dinner, and before going to sleep. Not really time consuming games but I do tend to my crops and empty up points before the day ends so that it wouldn't get wasted or get stolen by others that play the same game. I'm waiting for the Moscow edition of Mafia Wars, said it would make us choose one of the 2 factions of Mother Russia and each faction had it's own distinct weapons and rewards. I guess I'd have to sleep on it and hope that when I wake up, Moscow is ready for my to invade.

PC and PS2 games, I've missed out alot since the internet and other things keep me pre-occupied. But I'd like to try out Call of Duty: Modern Warfare but I guess I'd have to wait since my PC specs isn't top-notch.

I'll end this long post now, probably half of the readers have fallen asleep or has never reached this part and ignored my long story that I planned to make it short. Oh well, what can I do. I type as fast as I think and I guess that's a good thing. I can type what comes up on my mind without missing a thing!

Anyways, cheerio!~

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