Thursday, April 16, 2009


A new craze spread like wildfire in Ragnaboards this month, probably the scorching heat here in the Philippines made this online flash game popularly hot! The amazing graphincs, no e-mail requirements, and an awesome fighting system that you must witness! Skills, stats, pets and weaponry are available for each brute, however, you can acquire these randomly. Sheer luck is what you need in this game, as well as a big circle of friends to help you in your quest to making your brute stronger. Why? Because your brute can have pupils that can give experience points, gaining levels somewhat faster. No one really knows the mechanics or system used for the master/pupil relationship but some say that 1 PC per 1 IP address is what registers to the system. I'm not really 100% sure about that but since majority of mybrute players are saying that, I guess that's an accepted theory.

Everyday, your brute can join in the tournament and hope that you'd reach the top as the winner. I think you get a medal for that. Each brute has an initial 6 fights. After that, you can only do 3 attacks per day, which is somewhat not good for those impatient people.

Now, if you are ready to try the game, visit them at
You can also be one of my pupils and join me at
I also am offering a 'you be my pupil and I'll be your pupil' policy. Just post your mybrute link in the comment and I'll quickly create a mybrute pupil for your character. Well then, good luck brutes! Happy leveling :)

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