Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bagyo Ondoy

It was just a few days ago when I caught myself unprepared that a typhoon was entering the country, I wasn't able to watch the news nor read up on the current weather forecasts online due to hectic issues that needed to be done. Heavy rains started to pour on Friday night, where the electricity went out in our area for about an hour. I slept it off and the rain haven't stopped the whole Saturday. My pet cats were cuddled inside a cabinet outside our garage so they were safe from the typhoon. Lunch time came and suddenly, there were no internet connection and I checked the phone. Just like in the movies, BEEP... BEEP... BEEP. Not the natural sound you'll hear from your phone but an alarming emergency beeping noise. I checked the house from left to right to see if there were something wrong. The backyard was ok, the sides were ok, but the garage was slowly being invaded by orange rainwater. I remember what it meant when the rainwater going down the street towards the creek was orange, it meant that either a flash flood occurred in Antipolo or a few couple of sand from the mountain just came down due to the heavy rains. I sat on the couch, tried to watch television to let time pass by.

Sunday came, still raining but not that hard, I kept on checking the phone to see if there was any dial-tone. I also kept checking around the house to see if there's anything wrong that I should be aware off. All I had was the television to update on what's going on and my cellphone to keep others informed that I was OK. Well, alot of family members texted me and called me on the cellphone. They were relived to hear that I was OK. They thought that the house was flooded since the phone was unaccessible at that time. When the rain somewhat slowed down, I rushed towards one of the tindahan in the street. To my dismay, every tindahan was closed and the people inside relocated to another place. I guess I'd have to ration my food stocks til the storm ends.

Monday was welcomed by light rain and winds. The street has became orange in color and I'm not exaggerating. Putik or mud stuck on the road and part of the garage. I cleaned the garage up using rainwater to conserve my water supply. With that part done, I checked on my pets and other parts of the house again from time to time, just to see if there were leaks or damages caused by the heavy rains and winds. I guess I'm lucky that the house wasn't that heavily damaged and only found a few leaks.

But I checked on the news and was shocked to see how large the typhoon damaged the country. Yes, it was not that strong of a typhoon but it brought in rainfall that poured in 2 days that should have been the average rainfall that should have poured in the span of a month! That was too much.

I guess I'm lucky to be one of those who survived the typhoon and had little damages but I offer prayers to those who died in the floods and hope for the best to the survivors in rebuilding their homes and lives. And the reason why I'm making this blog post is that I feel I had to share this after the internet/phone line had been restored earlier this day, even if my blog has a few audiences. What matters most is that I'm thankful that I'm safe and my family are also safe from harms way that was brought by Typhoon Ondoy.

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