Thursday, November 27, 2008

Demise of Ragnarok

Demise of Morroc. New monsters, new maps, new features added to Ragnarok Online. As a Ragnarok player, I was expecting a smooth and good gameplay on the first minutes after the weekly maintenance was done. However, a shock to most of the players was greeted for Demise of Morroc. More like Demise of RO Players. At around 8:40 PM on that fated day, players could log into the servers and would eventually be forcefully disconnected. This followed a chain reaction of maps going down and a couple of bugs being revealed. Instability of the server was getting on the nerves of the players. And more so, siege continued with only a piece of announcement stating that they would revert agit ownerships back to the original owners before that siege started.

But one day wasted filled with logging into the server to check if everything was ok, the agits were utterly destroyed repeatedly. Yeah, they'll revert the ownership but would they also revert to the eco and def ratings of the agits? A week's worth of investing on that agit and then no possible chances of defending that. Who's to blame? LU. Why? They knew that there was a siege. They knew when the server would be up. They knew that the servers were unstable. They haven't said anything except "revert agit ownership back." Now the question is WHEN? I'm sure you'd understand the frustration of a player who lost an agit due to technical difficulties that could have been prevented if LU just disabled that siege or just remained on maintenance mode until 10 PM with an announcement.

Does that announcement look right or did they drink til they got drunk due to stress over the maintenance and adding up the new episode?

What's more funny is the battlefield. This was what I was wanting to do the first thing I had free time. 19 players versus 19 players in a big map. Just like WOE except this is more like CS. But what do we get? We saw a Vanguard broadcasting that he needs players go to the Kafra South of Payon, talk to the NPC that will bring you to the battlefield arena, and then join a side, no need for party, just go inside the Flavius (red/blue) rooms and enter the pub. A total of 38 players were waiting there. Now, it should have been automatic but what do we get? 2 hours wasted of staring at the screen doing what that Vanguard was instructing us to do so that we could have an action-packed fight inside the battlefield. We've done everything that was indicated on the "game guide for battlefield" we researched on the internet and we've done everything the Vanguard told us to do. But nothing, we just stood there waiting for nothing until time came most of them had to go off due to school or work the next day.

So much for the first day of Demise of Morroc. Before I end my rant, I wonder, what happened to the exp mod those at the LU Live shouted back then? They said there would be an EXP mod for Demise of Morroc. But now. None.

Oh well, at least I got those off my chest. Let's party on with nachos and salsa!

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