Friday, November 8, 2013

Minecraft Mods 1.7.2

I recently just found out that there were major changes in 1.7.2.  With that in mind, I still wonder when Forge can do wonders so we could start enjoying Minecraft Mods along with the new content and upgrades 1.7.2 has to offer.  I am not in any way demanding them to hurry it up and make us proud players.  No.  I just wanted to enjoy living in a cold taiga biome with lots of flowers and an acacia house with the possibility of going into the moon or having other AI like Minecraft Comes Alive or Millenaire mods available.

So I guess I'll stick to 1.6.4 for the time being, funny how my friend called me a noob that I can't play 1.6.4 anymore because it's already 1.7.2.  I silently chuckle and let his ignorance fool him as I did watch Minecon 2013 livestream on youtube where the Minecraft team was on stage and showing the viewers how to play a certain version using the new launcher.

If Notch and Minecraft team reads this, I would like to personally thank you for making my life less miserable for developing this game and giving me a stress reliever during hard times.  Also special thanks to the mod developers, without you, the game would just be quickly boring.  I'm not saying it's boring boring but it's like lego.  Once you're done with building or experimenting, that's it.  With the mods, it adds a new depth and achievements in the game, prolonging gameplay even replayability.  So kudos to everyone that have made this happen!

I have yet to play with others online.  Wish I could just go to a forum and ask people if I could play with them but as to date, I'm still saving up for my own premium account and using my friend's account and playing offline mode.  Just wish if I won the lottery, I'd donate a few million to Mojang and then buy a couple of games and then start a crew and post youtube videos with us playing.  That would be a dream come true!  *sigh*

Like always, cheerio!

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