Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Let's Play on Youtube Dilemma

I am really curious on how to approach this type of problem.  I really really want to do it but then I don't know how to do it or is afraid about the outcome of this type of venture called doing a Let's Play series.  I do like playing video games, I like watching Youtube videos, however I am really a quiet guy who enjoys conversing with other people via chat or text messages.  Whenever I speak, I can only do it for a few while because my throat starts to tighten to the extent my neck muscles start becoming stiff.  I don't know if this is a physical or psychological problem but I only talk when I feel the need to talk.

Just like when I was in the call center, work there is very stressful.  Most of the day you talk to clients and solve their problems.  Training was good, I learnt a few new stuff here and there but when it came to the calls, oh boy was I in for some rollercoaster ride.  I remember one time when I was in the middle of a call and it was just 4 hours into work, suddenly I couldn't let a sound out of my mouth.  Literally I was panicking to the extent I had to use a recording that said I had to put them on hold for a few minutes because of some technical difficulties with the line.  My supervisors did warn me about that but when they saw how I was, they sent me directly to the nurse office.  They didn't know what I had so they just prescribed me some anti-stress medicine and a stress ball to borrow.  That didn't help out until they released me early from my shift.  After a few days, I decided to resign due to the fact that I couldn't continue with that line of work and that I would just bring my team stats down.  After a few months, I decided to seek medical help but all the doctors said that it was mostly my vocals are not getting enough exercise.

To be honest, when I was a kid, I was the most quiet person.  I would just sit there, give head gestures of yes/no to people who ask me stuff.  When they ask me an open ended question, I would just answer them with the least amount of words but could satisfy their curiosity.  I think my parents thought I was mute or autistic back then but I tried to live my life as a normal person without drawing much attention.

Now with that said, I do hope I find the courage to make it someday and hopefully this type of venture will be my practice grounds to make me more comfortable when talking.  Yes, I like typing or gesturing more than speaking but the thing is I guess the real world does need a little more out of me so that I could unlock my true potential.

I should probably practice more gaming and researching how to record and put it on youtube first while I'm gathering up my courage to actually do it.  Til then, cheerio!

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