Thursday, November 21, 2013

Gaming: December Fun!

December is just right around the corner and what I have right now is good news.  A friend of mine is getting a copy of Minecraft and X-Com: Enemy Within.  What excites me the most is that he doesn't have a PC but wants to play both games.  He got the money to buy the games, I got the PC that can handle them both.  We are gonna take turns playing the game but I guess I'll get more game time than him since I can play whenever he isn't at home.

So I guess I'll go find some good microphone I have in the closet and test it out so that when the time comes, I can really record and do some gameplay with commentary so that I could become a better speaker and probably enhance my social media from just this blog and into Youtube, Twitter, Tumblr, and whatever social media there is to start my own channel.  I'm not aiming big but starting with small stuff and hopefully it will grow as time goes by.  If you have any suggestions or advice for a newbie in this type of endeavor, please comment below.  I know I don't have that much of a big reader base but I guess I can start by becoming more interactive to you guys.

Also I have been planning out what I want for 2014.  New Years Resolution and whatever goals I can achieve within that year.  I just wish that it could be better than it would be this year.  I know everyone wants that to happen sometime in their lives but wishes and prayers never go unanswered.  Hopefully there'd be a miracle that would show me alot of opportunities that I could grab unto and then see where it leads off.

So what's your New Years Resolutions and what do you want to achieve in 2014?

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