Friday, February 26, 2010

The Comeback

No, not the series, The Comeback. Yes, it's time for my comeback.

I've been away from this blog for quite some time now. Probably no time to update or share to you guys about my recent life on gaming and stuff and now I've got some time to spare before I do another extensive training towards a career.

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Ragnarok Online. It was a great game. Met alot of people. Shared interests and even had the opportunity to be part of an online tournament. I know it would have been great to have reached the finals of that said tournament but reaching the eliminations was enough to be make myself proud. But at this moment, 3 months have passed since I've last logged into the game. Main reason is time. I don't have time to play the game anymore. So easy to say, I'm going to say I'm retiring from its competitive nature and usually login once in awhile to check what's new.

Tribalwars. I've still been playing this ever since training started. Why? Easy access and is a great stress reliever when you get to beat up another player and take their villages with them looking at the computer screen in dismay. I may experience that somewhere in the future but I do hope I'll keep on playing in W37 for another year. I do love going into the forums to read discussions and arguments about the perfect build, perfect nuke, perfect stories they share. But what I don't like is when someone asks something obvious, another comes along and say the N word. No not the N word most people consider as racist, the N word in gaming jargon. "Newb, noob, nub." Oh well, they'll just have to learn it the hard way in the game instead of spouting out that word in the forums.

Facebook. I've been playing alot of games in this social media site. Lots of great games, lots of people online to play with. But I don't really know most of them due to them just playing hte game and most of them are on the other side of the world. But I do enjoy Playfish games such as Restaurant City, Country Story, Pet Society, Gangster City, Crazy Planet, and along with Zynga's Mafia Wars, and BrokenBulb's My Town. Farmville and other similar farm games somewhat bore me, repetitive plowing, expanding your farm to plant more, time consuming due to lag and/or slow processing of harvesting/plowing/planting crops. So I don't play those types of games, unlike Country Story, cute graphics, fast animated processes, and share some similarities with Harvest Moon. Not saying that they took it from HM, but since I'm a HM fanatic (first played it on the Playstation), I guess this tickled my fancy.

Magic the Gathering. I've lost two decks, the slow elf learning deck and my Nuts & Bolts modified to perfection deck. I've misplaced it somewhere and I can't seem to recall where I last seen it. An investment gone lost. Although I'd like to join in any official tournaments again, I guess I'll keep on earning money to buy myself a new deck in a new release packs. I haven't seen the newest release or what's it is named but I guess it's never late to enjoy reading the lastest news on MTG. I do recall one time during college, I vowed to myself, I will become one of those greatest players in MTG history... but up to now, that dream is still yet to come... or probably never happen unless something great comes up and allows me to play with the big league. :)

Online Gaming. I've heard stories about new MMORPGs and latest craze of first person shooters. I've even watched some matches on Arirang E-Sports shows, showing matches between players on Starcraft, Warcraft III, Fifa Soccer Online, Freestyle Online, and Special Forces. I really like watching those types of shows, reminds me of my days competing online for the #1 spot. But I guess age does show when you have to know your limit and go on with life. I'm not playing any MMORPG at the moment, just for reference.

I guess that's the end of my ramblings, probably do another one sometime next week, but hopefully not this long. Til then, :)

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