Sunday, November 24, 2013

XCOM: Enemy Within Newbie

I am not ashamed to tell others if I'm a newbie of a game.  However, I will be when I have been playing the game for a long time (1 month or more).  But for XCOM, I can't say for sure since I've been playing the franchise starting with Apocalypse, went on hiatus when the next one came, and then went back to playing with Enemy Unknown.  I blazed past that and was content on how 2k Games and Firaxis rebooted the franchise.  It was epic.  Until they released an update called Enemy Within, it felt the same way with Enemy Unknown however with more stuff to do and material that I need more than 1 day to figure stuff out.  I don't know if I am doing the right thing but that's games for you, there is no right way and you'll have to figure it out on your own, a trial and error in which is the essence of gaming.

Just a small side rant,  I met someone who plays games and when he can't figure it out, he just rage quits and calls the game "lame." I'm not sure what his problem is in life but I did tell him that he should be more patient with the game if he was to enjoy it.  He just said that games only make him rage and waste money and that he'll never buy any more and would just download pirated games for his own displeasure.  I know it's a bit crazy but I don't know what games he'll be able to enjoy.  Even when I introduced him to Minecraft, he just sat there and looked at me like I was an idiot and told me Minecraft was for kids and the graphics was lame.  Til this day, he's trying to find new games and I doubt he'll enjoy any of them if he continues his way of playing.  Anyone out there know a good game for a short tempered person with high expectations?

Anyways, back to XCOM: Enemy Within.  My friend got the game and hurriedly went to my house so that we could unbox it and install it.  So he was on the driver seat and I was the strategist.  He hasn't played Enemy Unknown but he knew I was good at games.  So here we are, Day 2 of playing the game and here's a few feedback.

The game still has its awesome features.  New mechs, meld, enemies, and I think a better AI.  There were a few times when the game would slow down and the enemy turn would take at least 2 minutes before handing the turn over to us.  Not sure if there'd be a hotfix for that but no worries, we're still chugging thru mission after mission with minimal casualties.  Until we encountered the dreaded fishing village mission.

At first, it was filled with zombies.  Then came the chryssalids in a swarm.  Then later got overwhelmed before we could push the button and it ended up pretty nasty.  I mean, most of our team got killed, turned to zombies, which in turn attacked and killed the remaining team and sad to say, failed our first mission.

We called it a day and will be revisiting the mission with a new campaign.  Yes we are starting over since we don't have a saved game of the campaign and we weren't in Ironman mode.  We are doing Normal on our first game so I guess it's a big lesson for us to reconsider the cautious approach.  Til then, cheerio!

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