Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thoughts: December is Coming!

I haven't played much Minecraft for two days now, busy with work and with other games like Warframe and XCOM: Enemy Within.  Hopefully I'd start a new journal of my Minecraft Adventures.  I am still trying my best to talk but my throat would only last for five minutes and then I would get a cracking type of voice and I sound like I'm getting the sore throat and then cough more.  I did try to see a doctor about it and he said that my vocal chords are somewhat small for my size, mind you I'm 5'11" and somewhat fluffy.  He did recommend me to get a surgery to fix it or to talk more so that my throat would develop.  So I now have a daily morning regiment of reading out loud the news on several websites.  I get to three or four before I start having problems but no worries, I'll continue doing it til my throat gets better.

I don't know if I am the only person with that problem.  Sometimes when people talk to me, I just talk in short sentences to get my message through but when it comes to a group discussion, I just sit there and listen and smile.  I don't know if it's a psychological problem or it's just who I am.  Kinda frustrating in some aspects when I want to say something but then my voice does not want to cooperate with me, I just go back to silent mode and hope nobody would pinpoint on why I'm so silent.  Anyways, good thing for blogs, I can transfer what I want to say with the use of a keyboard.  Maybe some of you are thinking, how can I be silent at work?  Simple, I just do simple programming and data entries for a living.  Not the dream job I wanted but it helps out pay for the basic needs of survival.  Anyways, cheerio!

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