Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bagyo Pepeng

Even though it is predicted to hit our area on Friday night or Saturday afternoon, I guess this one is stronger than the previous typhoon that hit the country. Opposite of Bagyo Ondoy, Pepeng is gaining speed and from the looks on the top view satellite images, it looks like it's bringing in fewer clouds compared to Ondoy. However the high speed winds blowing may affect the country more since most of the areas hit by the floods would expect the worst since houses have been weakened by the high flood waters and hope they would be safe and out of harms way.

I'm also worried about other people who have lost their homes from the flash flood and landslides. I do hope the control bases set up by the government and other private companies can provide safety for them.

I guess I should start preparing for Pepeng. I may not know what may happen next since I was totally unprepared when Ondoy hit. Better safe than sorry, I guess.

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