Monday, April 28, 2008

Odin's Premium Service Experience

Now that LU has given a chance to players to invest for a permanent Field Manual and Bubble Gum for at least 1 week or 1 month, I've taken the liberty to take the risk and get a chance to experience this so-called "Premium Service."

First days of the service, it was great along with the experience mod of 3x for a week! Probably because that's the release of the new version of WOE SE. So off I went and got a big boost out of it.

Now, here's the worst part, it's Monday and Wednesday is the weekly maintenance schedule fast approaching. Guess what, Prontera just went down. I've filed a ticket and received no reply yet. Others have called but they were just listening to some offline music waiting for a LU Call Center Agent to talk to them. That was around 7pm, an hour before siege would start. Tried logging in till 8:15pm, and successfully rushed to the guild's savepoint to rally and help in the siege.

After the siege, everything went back to normal. People said it was just a once-in-a-while-Prontera-weekly-sickness type of thing. But what happened, 20 minutes before 11pm, Prontera went down. Others said the whole server went down. I wonder why.

Now, I'm not sure if getting the Premium Service again is the best thing to do next time. But if LU can fix the server faster than I can say the longest word in history, probably I'd think about it. Hopefully, it would be up when I wake up tomorrow morning. ~_~ Buggers, thought I would reach the shinning aura again but this just ruined my expectations.

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